
Cast-Designer is a software package specially designed for casting business, includes the casting part design and evaluation, mould design and validation and production optimization.

Cast-Designer combined the KBE system, design system and last CAE technology together; it is a tailor-designer casting planning & simulation system for all casting process.

Cast-Designer could be used for high pressure die casting, low pressure die casting, gravity casting for sand, gravity casting for permanent mould, investment casting, and many others.

Geo Designer is a powerful upfront Design for Manufacturing

DFM: Part Base Analysis

Geo-Designer is a powerful upfront Design for Manufacturing (DFM) tools for designers and manufacturing engineers with innovative technology. 

Cast Designer for Die Casting

CAST-DESIGNER for Die Casting

CAST-DESIGNER for Die Casting is an expert package specifically designed for high pressure die casting with advanced gating system design and fast validation capability.

Cast Designer for Gravity Casting

CAST-DESIGNER for Gravity Casting

CAST-DESIGNER for Gravity Casting can make the casting system design and fast simulation for sand casting, gravity die casting, low pressure die casting, investment casting, lost foam casting and centrifugal casting etc.

The cooling system designer in Cast Designer is a CAD base module

Cooling System Design

The cooling system designer in Cast-Designer is a CAD base module to help cooling channel generation. It provides a very flexible way to generate any complex cooling system.

Full mould analysis

Full Mould Analysis

Cast-Designer supports mixed meshes technology. We have special technology to keep the contact nodes at the same location of the casting part and mould interface, such feature is very useful to keep good heat transference in the system.

Stress and Distortion Analysis

Stress & Distortion Analysis

With the Cast-Designer mechanical stress module, users can make the stress and distortion analysis. Several material models are available in Cast-Designer for stress calculation, such as the rigid material, the elastic-plastic material model and the most complex elastic-visco-plastic material model. 


Production Optimization

Casting Production is a special module in Cast-Designer to optimize the casting process to achieve the best productivity and cost rate, as well as the product quality.


CAST-DESIGNER Automatic Optimization

Cast-Designer Automatic Optimizer is a unique software package opening up new opportunities for the market of “complex” practical problems.


Full Chain Simulation

The simulation result of Cast-Designer also could be exported to other CAE system for a full chain simulation.

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